Smart Mirror

Date 2/2024 - Pres
Location Vancouver, BC
Organization Edge-0304
Description • Started learning the programming on Nvidia Jeston Nano to manipulate the display and camera detection of the mirror

Smart Switch

Date 1/2024 - Pres
Location Vancouver, BC
Organization Edge-0304
Description • Tested the servo motor precision to control the success of the switch status change around ninety percent

Dream - indie game

Date 1/2024 - Pres
Location Vancouver, BC
Organization Edge-0304
Description • Designed the basic meachnism of the game and led the development of the team

Personal Website Service

Date 5/2023 - Pres
Location Vancouver, BC
Organization Edge-0304
Description • Managed to use Hugo Framework to re-build more than twenty five different themes
• Served more than thirty customers for personal website design

Smart Bug Racket

Date 10/2023 - Pres
Location Vancouver, BC
Organization Edge-0304
Description • Rebuilt the bug racket circuit with voltage dividers in order to add arduino board on it to remotely gather information from the racket
• Designed the code with C++ on Arduino to connect mobile devices with bluetooth and backend with WiFi and controlled the time limit in ten seconds
• Measured the dimension of the integrated circuit and designed the case through 3D printing

Digital Thermometer

Date 5-6/2023
Location Vancouver, BC
Organization UBC
Description • Designed the LCD response circuit and coded that speeds up the temperature response to as quick as 100 milliseconds.
• Integrated different functional parts of the thermometer and designed the program to plot graph of temperature changes.
• Discussed the marketing perspective of our design based on my work experience in the restaurant: utilizing this device for meat temperature control

Minecraft MOD - Spawner

Date 3-7/2023
Location Vancouver, BC
Organization Edge Studio
Description • Used Java to design the MOD that allows players to create any animals based on certain blocks and items.
• Uploaded to the Forge community and received 11 downloads

Human Pose Estimation

Date 1/2023 - Pres
Location Vancouver, BC
Organization UBC Data Science Club
Description • Read disciplinary essays to master the basic theory of machine learning.
• Learned to program analytic functions for 2D human pose estimation with Python.