Education & Skills
I am currently a student in University of British Columbia, which is known for its academic excellence and contributions to innovations in various industries. My experience here has been challenging but rewarding.
Related courses⌗
Course Name | Course Content | Score |
ELEC 291 | Design projects involving electronic devices and circuits, electromagnetics, signals and systems, and microcomputers. | 86 |
Skills: Lab eqiupment & Hardware⌗
Throughout my learning in UBC and my personal projects, I have learned to manipulate multiple electrical devices and I have certified by UBC electrical engineering department for using the makerspace lab based on my performance in the lab safety test
Name | Name | Name |
Multimeter | Oscilloscope | Function Generator |
AC/DC Power Supply | Soldering Irons | PCB Design |
Arduino | Raspberry Pi | FPGA |
3D printing | Drill Press | Band Saw |
Brake | Shear | Belt & Disc Sander |
PC Assembling | Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Modules | Zigbee/XBee Modules |
Skills: Software & Programming Language⌗
Besides the basic curriculum in the school, I am eager to learn programming on my own since I love the process of building logical network and expressing my creation through coding. I also learned many different software for my personal interest and work purpose.
Name | Name | Name |
Visual Studio | Hugo | Cloudfare |
Node.js | Git | Multisim |
Eclipse | Pycharm | Google Cloud Console |
WireShark | Microsoft 365 | MATLAB |
SolidWork | LTspice | Tinkercad |
C | C++ | Java |
Python | HTML | JavaScript |
CSS | Verilog | Aseembly (ARM) |
Skills: Leadership & Management⌗
As the leader of more than four different organizations during the past few years, I have the capability of managing a team, also means great attitude working with others and perfectly finish the work. In my eyes, leadership is the mix of self-principle, kindness, courage, strategy, and creativity.
Name | Name | Name |
Team Building | Project Management | Visionary Leadership |
Effective Communication | Strategic Thinking | Decision Making |
Budge Management | Business Development | Adaptability |