
I am currently a student in University of British Columbia, which is known for its academic excellence and contributions to innovations in various industries. My experience here has been challenging but rewarding.

Course Name Course Content Score
ELEC 291 Design projects involving electronic devices and circuits, electromagnetics, signals and systems, and microcomputers. 86

Skills: Lab eqiupment & Hardware

Throughout my learning in UBC and my personal projects, I have learned to manipulate multiple electrical devices and I have certified by UBC electrical engineering department for using the makerspace lab based on my performance in the lab safety test

Name Name Name
Multimeter Oscilloscope Function Generator
AC/DC Power Supply Soldering Irons PCB Design
Arduino Raspberry Pi FPGA
3D printing Drill Press Band Saw
Brake Shear Belt & Disc Sander
PC Assembling Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Modules Zigbee/XBee Modules

Skills: Software & Programming Language

Besides the basic curriculum in the school, I am eager to learn programming on my own since I love the process of building logical network and expressing my creation through coding. I also learned many different software for my personal interest and work purpose.

Name Name Name
Visual Studio Hugo Cloudfare
Node.js Git Multisim
Eclipse Pycharm Google Cloud Console
WireShark Microsoft 365 MATLAB
SolidWork LTspice Tinkercad
C C++ Java
Python HTML JavaScript
CSS Verilog Aseembly (ARM)

Skills: Leadership & Management

As the leader of more than four different organizations during the past few years, I have the capability of managing a team, also means great attitude working with others and perfectly finish the work. In my eyes, leadership is the mix of self-principle, kindness, courage, strategy, and creativity.

Name Name Name
Team Building Project Management Visionary Leadership
Effective Communication Strategic Thinking Decision Making
Budge Management Business Development Adaptability